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20 High Fiber Food to help with daily Fiber Intake

20 High Fiber Food to help with daily Fiber Intake


Humans need food as one of their essential needs. It is critical to maintaining a healthy and robust physique. Additionally, food contributes to our lives in various ways: it helps us live longer, keeps good skin, eyes, and teeth, aids in muscular development, boosts immunity, provides bone nutrition, and fights illnesses that weaken our bodies. The right amount of nutrients from food each day will help one be naturally fit.


There are many nutrients that our bodies need. One of them is Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are necessary dietary ingredients that the body converts to glucose to operate. This is often found in meals and beverages that include sugar, carbohydrates, and fiber.


Fiber is a nondigestible carbohydrate. Unlike most carbs, fiber cannot be converted into sugar molecules and goes through the body undigested. Fiber regulates the body's glucose usage, reducing appetite and blood sugar.


In addition, Fiber has two varieties. One of which is soluble. This kind of fiber dissolves in water and may aid in the reduction of blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Oatmeal, almonds, beans, apples, and blueberries are all high in soluble fiber. Moreover, another variety of Fiber is Insoluble. This fiber does not dissolve in water but may aid digestion, promote regularity, and avoid constipation. The foods rich in insoluble fiber are wheat, whole wheat bread, and couscous.


Intake of Fiber every day but reasonably is vital for a person’s health. It gives many benefits for the body, i.e., it normalizes bowel movement, lowers cholesterol levels, controls blood sugar, helps achieve a healthy weight, and makes the person live longer.

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With the benefits given by its intake, there are foods available in the market that people can buy to supply nutrients. Here are the 20 High Fiber Foods for daily Fiber intake.


  1. Pears


Pears are a high-fiber fruit. A pear of average size has 6 grams of fiber. Because the skin comprises the bulk of the fiber in a pear, it may be consumed for increased taste, texture, and nutrients.


  1. Strawberries


Strawberries, like other berries, are high in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components. They may help avoid various illnesses when consumed as part of a balanced diet.


  1. Avocado

Avocados pair well with almost anything, and although they're sometimes lauded for their high-fat content, one cup of avocado has 10 grams of fiber.


  1. Apples


The adage "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is not always accurate, although the fruit may help you increase your fiber intake. An apple has around four (4) grams of fiber, depending on its size.


  1. Raspberries


Raspberries include a significant amount of fiber and vitamin C. They also have a variety of other vital vitamins and minerals.


  1. Bananas


Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits worldwide. They're a quick snack that's also quite nutritious. Additionally, bananas are abundant in fiber, with one medium banana providing around 3.1 grams of this nutrient.


  1. Carrots


Carrots are a root vegetable often touted as the ideal health food. It is crisp, delicious, and nutrient-dense. Carrots are an excellent source of beta carotene, fiber, potassium, and antioxidants.


  1. Beets


Beets are rich in fiber and aid in forming beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. Having a broader population of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract helps in the fight against illness and strengthens the immune system. Additionally, fiber aids in digestion and decreases the risk of constipation.


  1. Brocolli


Broccoli's soluble fiber binds to cholesterol in the blood, lowering cholesterol.

This binding makes cholesterol simpler to eliminate, lowering blood cholesterol levels.


  1. Artichoke


Artichokes are fat-free, rich in fiber, and packed with vitamins and minerals. Additionally, they are a good source of antioxidants. In addition, a medium artichoke provides over 7 grams of fiber, which is nearly 23%–28% of the recommended daily requirement (RDI).


  1. Brussel Sprouts


Brussels sprouts are a good source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They may also help prevent cancer, reduce inflammation, and improve blood sugar management.

If you need to get fresh high fiber fruits and vegetables do check out  


  1. Lentils


Lentils are a good source of dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble. They are undigested, which means they will travel through human systems without being metabolized.


  1. Kidney beans


Kidney beans are one of the most significant plant-based protein sources. Additionally, they are high in fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar levels and promotes intestinal health.


  1. Split Peas


Split peas are abundant in soluble fiber, which aids in cholesterol reduction and blood sugar regulation.


  1. Quinoa


Quinoa is a gluten-free, high-protein seed that is one of the few plant foods with adequate levels of all nine necessary amino acids. Additionally, it has a good amount of fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E, and other essential antioxidants.


  1. Oats


Oats are rich in carbohydrates and fiber and richer in protein and fat than most other grains. They are particularly rich in many vitamins and minerals.


  1. Popcorn


Popcorn is a form of maize kernel that pops when heated, resulting in a light and fluffy product. When popcorn is appropriately prepared, it has a variety of minerals and vitamins. In addition, Popcorn is a complete grain rich in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat and sugar, and cholesterol-free when no additions are used.

  1. Almonds


Almonds are high in vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber and may benefit health.

It comprises one-eighth of a person's daily protein intake with only a handful (1 ounce).


  1. Chia seeds


Chia seeds contain quercetin, an antioxidant that may help prevent heart disease. The seeds are also abundant in fiber, which may help decrease blood pressure and minimize the risk of heart disease.


  1. Sweet potatoes


Sweet potatoes have a thin brown skin and brilliant orange flesh but can come in white, purple, and yellow variations. Sweet potatoes may be eaten whole or peeled, and the leaves are edible. Sweet potatoes are also abundant in fiber, which helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.

If you need to get fresh high fiber fruits and vegetables do check out 


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