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A Closer Look at Cabbage: Unveiling Its Nutrient-Packed Benefits

Cabbage has a place in almost every home's kitchen at some point. It is possible to consume it as a snack, to use it to prepare a salad or to add it as a garnish to your meals. It has much to give, and its advantages are packed with various nutrients. 

The wild cabbage was the progenitor of all the cultivated kinds of cabbage, which evolved over years of cultivation from the wild cabbage. Cabbage is a member of the family Brassicaceae, which also includes mustard. The amounts of cabbage consumed, including kale, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts, have a low-calorie count and are a good vitamin C. Cabbage may come in many different forms. The head cabbage, more often referred to as "cabbage," is an essential component of most nations' cuisine in the temperate zone.

While cabbage that has been cooked takes on the flavor of the other foods that it is combined with rather readily, raw cabbage has a taste that is highly distinct and may be described as bitter. Since there are several varieties of cabbage, the flavor will often change depending on the type used. You may sometimes get a sweet cabbage even though most of it has a bitter flavor. It has a taste that is typically robust and long-lasting, and the flavor stays on your tongue even after eating.

When it comes to its consistency, raw cabbage has a highly robust and crisp texture throughout its body. Because of this, if you want to consume cabbage in its natural state, you will want to ensure it is sliced extremely thinly, as would be the case with coleslaw. When eating raw cabbage, the thinner it is, the simpler it will be.

Aside from its usefulness in the kitchen, cabbage also offers nutritional value when consumed raw. Let's look into it, shall we? 

The nutritional value of cabbage cannot be overstated.

Cabbage has a remarkable nutritional profile despite its relatively small number of calories. Simply 89 grams, or 1 cup, of raw green cabbage, includes the following:

  • Calories: 22
  • Protein: 1 g
  • Fiber: 2 g
  • Vitamin K: 56% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin C: 36% of the DV
  • Folate: 10% of the DV
  • Manganese: 6% of the DV
  • Vitamin B6: 6% of the DV
  • Calcium: 3% of the DV
  • Potassium: 3% of the DV
  • Magnesium: 3% of the DV

As you can see in the list located above, it has a high concentration of vitamin B6 and folate, which are necessary for the body to carry out several key activities, such as the proper functioning of the neurological system and the metabolism of energy.

It has the potential to reduce inflammatory responses.

There are times when inflammation might be beneficial. Your immune system depends on the inflammatory response to fight off infections or hasten the healing process. Acute inflammation is a typical reaction in the body in response to a traumatic injury or illness. Cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, contain various anti-inflammatory antioxidants, which research has proven effective against chronic inflammation.

Vitamin C may be found in abundance in cabbage.

Vitamin C, often referred to as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that plays several significant functions in the body. For example, it is necessary to produce collagen, the body's most prevalent protein. Collagen is essential for the bones, muscles, and blood vessels to function correctly. It also provides the skin with structure and flexibility.

While green and red cabbage are rich in this powerful antioxidant, the amount found in red cabbage is substantially higher than in green cabbage. One cup of chopped red cabbage has the same amount of vitamin C as a tiny orange's worth of vitamin C, which is 56% of the daily recommended consumption for vitamin C.

It is beneficial to the digestive process.

Cabbage, which is high in fiber, is an excellent choice if you want to boost the health of your digestive tract. This crisp vegetable is loaded with insoluble fiber. This carbohydrate cannot be digested in the intestines and thus benefits digestive health. By increasing the volume of stool and encouraging regular bowel movements, insoluble fiber contributes to maintaining a healthy digestive tract.

In addition, it has a high amount of soluble fiber, which research has proven to boost the population of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. Fiber is the primary fuel source for beneficial bacteria such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which explains why this is the case.

Maintains the health of your heart

The anthocyanins that may be found in cabbage are beneficial for more than just reducing inflammation. According to research, they contribute to the health advantages of cabbage by lowering the chance of developing cardiovascular disease. The discovery by researchers of 36 distinct types of anthocyanins in cabbage suggests that this vegetable may be an excellent choice for maintaining healthy cardiovascular function.

It helps to bring down your blood pressure.

Potassium is a mineral as well as an electrolyte that plays a role in the regulation of blood pressure inside the body. You may get a good dose of potassium from just one cup of red cabbage; in fact, it can provide as much as 6% of the advised daily requirement. This may assist in lowering your blood pressure, minimizing the likelihood of developing heart disease.

Reduces levels of cholesterol

If "bad" cholesterol, also known as LDL cholesterol, builds up in your arteries to an unhealthy level, this may lead to cardiac issues. Fiber and phytosterols, also known as plant sterols, are found in cabbage and compete with cholesterol for absorption by the digestive system. Cabbage is a good source of phytosterols. They ultimately bring a reduction in harmful cholesterol levels and a health improvement.

It helps to keep bones strong and ensures proper blood clotting.

Your health can't function properly without vitamin K. Without it, you risk having bone disorders like osteoporosis, and your blood won't clot as it should since it won't thicken properly. The vitamin K-rich vegetable cabbage comes into play here. Just one cup delivers 85 percent of the daily amount that's recommended.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general information purposes only. All information in this article is sourced from other websites, and we do not represent any rights regarding the contents and information on the site. All rights belong to their original owner.


  1. Cabbage | Leafy Greens, Cruciferous Vegetables & Edible Heads | Britannica
  2. What Does Cabbage Taste Like? | Thrive Cuisine
  3. 9 Impressive Health Benefits of Cabbage (
  4. 8 Health Benefits of Cabbage – Cleveland Clinic
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