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Eat Right, Recover Better: Dismantling Post-Surgery Food Fallacies

Do you know someone who has had medical treatments carried out on them in the form of surgery? If this is the case, what is it that you hear most often from the people close to that individual? After hearing that someone had surgery, you've been exposed to various misconceptions people spread. However, as you are aware, even if no scientific evidence supports a myth, it is still considered a myth. 

In this article, we will examine several widely held false beliefs about food and decide whether these beliefs are true. 

Following surgery, your primary focus will be promoting healthy wound healing and achieving a thorough recovery so that you may continue with your life. However, eating too little may lead to malnutrition, impairing wound recovery and increasing the risk of infection. Eating healthily and sufficiently may help you replenish your strength and heal more rapidly. A speedier recovery is possible if enough and healthy nutrition is maintained.

After undergoing surgery, consuming certain types of food may hasten the body's natural healing process and aid in the body's ability to restore itself. Remember that while you are recovering, you will need more calories, protein, water, vitamins, and minerals. This is just a general rule of thumb.

On the other hand, because of the rise of the internet era, there are a lot of various approaches that people may take to recover from post-surgery, which may cause some individuals to feel confused about the matter since there are so many different options. Think of these as indicators that will lead you in the correct direction:

Myth: Chickens do not exist, contrary to popular belief!

According to Chan Ya Ling, a member of the SingHealth group as well as a dietitian at the Department of Dietetics at Sengkang General Hospital (SKH), who responded, we are sometimes recommended not to consume certain foods since, according to traditional Chinese medicine, they are known to influence the healing process of wounds. This assertion is only supported by a scant few pieces of evidence.

On the other hand, there is a lot of evidence to show that chicken and seafood are excellent protein sources. Protein is one of your body's components to heal, so getting enough of it is essential. Our bodies are under stress during surgical operations, which may lead to nutrient deficiencies and a weakened immune system, which increases the risk of contracting an infection.

Myth: After undergoing chemotherapy or surgery, it is unsafe to eat seafood like prawns or any other kind of shellfish.

It has been commonly regarded for a very long time that shellfish, such as prawns and crabs, are "toxic" to the individuals who consume them, especially those who need physical healing after having been ill or having had medical treatment. This belief has been prevalent for a very long time.

It is a common misconception that doing so would slow down the pace at which wounds would heal if consumed.  Shellfish, which already have a terrible reputation for being "bottom feeders," are often the cause of particular allergic responses, which is unfortunate given that they often cause these reactions.

As a consequence of this, the body needs more protein to recoup. You have a selection of alternatives, some of which are fish, lean meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products, prawns, crabs, beans, and legumes. Ensure that these foods are adequately cooked so as not to damage further the patient's immune systems, which are already weakened.

The Urban Legend That Soy Sauce Should Never Be Used

You've undoubtedly heard that putting soy sauce on wounds may make the harm worse, so you shouldn't do it. However, this is not the case since scarring is a regular and even required part of wound healing. In addition, the degree to which a scar is visible is often decided by other factors, such as the care the wound receives until it has completely healed. This is one of the many factors that may influence the appearance of a scar.

Myth: Eating certain "superfoods" may help protect against heart disease if you choose the right ones.

There is no such thing as a "superfood," so stop using that term. I can guarantee you that you did hear it accurately! On the other side, there is some evidence that consuming foods such as blueberries, pomegranates, walnuts, and salmon may benefit your ticker. However, if you already have heart disease, taking these medications won't prevent you from acquiring it any further. On the other hand, some dietary plans could be of assistance to you in achieving this objective. According to several studies, following a Mediterranean diet rich in nutritious grains, legumes, vegetables, fruit, and monounsaturated fats like olive oil and consuming fish and chicken once a week can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The diet is also linked to a reduced chance of passing away earlier.

Myth: The idea that fats are inherently unhealthy is a common misconception. 

Because cholesterol is a component of most hormones, our bodies must take in a certain amount daily. Cholesterol is an essential source of fuel for our brain and numerous muscles. Because of this, our bodies need cholesterol or fat, but the kind and quantity of either of these molecules is essential. 

Due to the low quality, you should avoid fast food, fats manufactured with artificial components, some baked products, and processed meals. It has also been shown that foods and drinks that contain a lot of sugar, such as soda and other sweetened liquids, are bad for our hearts and should be avoided. This only lends credence to the idea that increasing the amount of our diet that consists of natural or unprocessed foods might assist us in maintaining a healthy cholesterol level. 

Salt is a natural substance; thus, it does not provide as much of a threat to one's health as other substances do. This is a fallacy. 

A diet high in salt is more detrimental to one's health than one high in sugar or fat. This leads to a rise in our blood pressure and creates significant stress on our kidneys, which are already working hard to filter our blood. Most of the foods we eat include a trace amount of salt by their very nature. As a result of this, we must refrain from adding any salt. If, on the other hand, we are talking about processed items, the amount of salt will almost certainly always be more than what would be found in levels that occur naturally. 

Because it encourages the body to retain more water, consuming excessive salt may induce an elevation in blood pressure. When we have high blood pressure, our brain, heart, arteries, and kidneys might be under additional strain. This can be dangerous. In addition to this, it is associated with an increased risk of suffering from renal sickness, a heart attack, and a stroke. As a result, it is essential to keep a careful check on the amount of salt we take in and emphasize the consumption of foods with reduced sodium content. 

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general information purposes only. All information in this article is sourced from other websites, and we do not represent any rights regarding the contents and information on the site. All rights belong to their original owner. 


  1. How to Eat Well for Post-Surgery Recovery (
  2. No Chicken and Seafood After Surgery: Myth or Fact? - HealthXchange
  3. 50 Food Myths Busted: Setting the record straight on popular beliefs about Food | The Straits Times
  4. Post-Surgery Diet: Foods to Eat & Avoid After Surgery - Homage
  5. Food after Heart Surgery: Breaking down common myths- Dr Bipeenchandra Bhamre (
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